Just Be A Person
So...you know those days when you get to take off of thinking about yourself and your work and your long to-do-list and you just enjoy life and what God has placed in front of you? I knkw, those days can become rare but today was one of those days. I went to my friend Ade Samuel’s Redbull event and it was so amazing to see people in their element, in their magic and celebrate what’s happening in their lives with them. We don’t take a lot of time to be in the moment because we are so focused on the grind and the hustle but there’s so much joy in the process. Sometimes in the process, it’s important to take a day to relax, wear flats, pull your hair, keep your sunglasses on and just laugh & love. Of course I understand the grind, I know it all too well but what I’m learning is the grind is moved by our experiences, it’s supported by our special moments and its fueled by our mental health which when we are at our best allows us to grind even more. I say find a day this week to just be a person! Get ice cream, relax, watch a show, call a friend and bask in who God has created you to be. Just have fun, be a person you deserve it💞
#OneDayAtATime #FightForYourFairytale