First 30 Challenge #OTSTUESDAY

Hey You!

For the Month of November, let's get centered. It's so easy to start our days checking emails, scrolling through social media updates & responding to text messages.... or all of the above. But how we begin our day has a big impact on our productivity.

For the next 30 days, spend the first 30 minutes of your day, praying, stretching and reading. How you divide that time is up to you but dedicate the beginning of your day, to yourself. A routine combination of these three things set a productive tone for the day and keep us in the mindset to conquer all. You know I'm all about growing together, so let's take on this challenge at the same time and encourage each other along the way. If you're about it, come hang out on and let me know you're in!

Video By: @adrianjphoto