#First30Challenge - By Grace Through Faith
Ephesians 2: 1-10
This scripture is truly the heart of the #First20Challenge. Let’s zoom into verse 8, “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God. “
Now, I have heard this verse several times before but really meditating on the words weaved together led me to a new found mindset that I had lost sight of. God, already paid for our freedom. He already forgave our mistakes, he already pre-planned for our doubts, he already set our path and he already paid the ultimate price for our salvation. That was his gift to US. DUDEEEE… let that sink in.
There is nothing we can do that will keep us from God’s love, and there is nothing we can do to gain more of God’s love. It’s unconditional, never-changing, intentional and IT IS FOREVER.
After reading this I immediately asked myself, “how can there be a love like this and I still have time for fear, stress and worry??!! — unfortunately its’ easy with human nature lol. In my experience, a little fear is inevitable — it's’ the war between our flesh and spirit. But, I had to rediscover that the love that was freely given to us covers ALLL of our fears and it has an ultimate plan for my future. Its an all-knowing kind a love. A love that cares so deeply about who we are — that he took time to remind us the gift of Jesus isn’t given to us by merit.
This song is one of my favorite reminders of Gods everlasting, scroll & check it out below — I pray it awakens you of exactly who you are in Christ. Worthy, Loved and Qualified.
Ephesians 2: 1-10